Monday, 25 November 2013
For Your sake
Man's Maker was made man
that he Ruler of the stars
might nurse at his mother's breast
that the Bread might hunger
the Fountain thirst
the Light sleep
the Way be tired on his journey
that the Truth might be accused of falsehood by false witness
the Teacher beaten by whips
the Foundation be suspended on wood
the Strength might grow weak
that the Healer might be wounded
that Life might die
Why did these all happen?
so if you've given your life to Jesus(Praise God) know the value of what you've got
if you haven't ,the above shows that Jesus paid an expensive cost for your salvation , let it not be in vain
God bless you
share with others
Thoughts for today
For some days now ,I've felt detached from God and spiritual things, but the Holy Spirit lead me to these verses . The verses were a wake up call.
So I want to share them with you
Jeremiah 2:5,13
that they strayed so far from me?
They followed worthless idols
and became worthless themselves.
They have forsaken me,
the spring of living water,
and have dug their own cisterns,
broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Since then, a lot of things have been said, a lot of debate in newspapers and on Tv. A lot of theories are floating around,I will list three major ones ;
1.Assad used the chemical weapons
2.Rebels used chemical weapons
3.The US led allies inserted a mercenary group to stage the attack(false flag)
I'll treat each of this theories;
An argument in favour of Assad is the opinion that he wouldn't have done it because of the resulting international outcry and fear of strikes from US and its allies.
Argument against that; Assad could have carried out the chemical attack assured of manipulating the media to make us believe he couldn't have done it because it couldn't have worked for him
The rebels have been touted as a coalition of islamists whose ideologies are not in favour of America or Israel. Al-Qaeda has been a strong group among the rebels
Could the Rebels have used it?
They could have done it to incite the world against the Assad led government
Argument against it is ,they don't have the technical knowhow to stage a chemical attack
We all know of the Blackwater security saga during the Iraq war, so we know Allied countries could have inserted mercenaries to stage the chemical attack so as to justify an attack against Assad led government. Internet is filled with people calling it another false flag.
From the above, we are not all agreed on a certain theory, but the important fact is that chemical weapons were used,and since chemical weapons can't launch themselves, so human beings must have launched the attack against fellow human beings knowing fully well the consequences . The video of victims including children , dead without any bloodshed, gasping brought tears to many faces. This shows the depravity of the heart of man.
The bible says in Genesis 6 vs 5
" And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"
There's no depth men without christ wouldn't stoop to commit atrocities
The key question, the reason for writing this is ;
Pray, watch and study the bible
The bible tells us in Matthew 24 vs 6
"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet"
1. So we are to study the word of God to know the plan of God for our generation in this endtime. Daniel 9 vs 2 shows that Daniel studied the books and by that knew that Israel will spend 70 years in captivity.
2.Pray for the persecuted christians and souls dying without hearing the gospel in troubled countries. Hebrews 13 vs 2 says "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body"
3.Watch against lukewarmness, false doctrines, false prophets
Watch your heart for out of it are the issues of life ,
Watch your eyes, ears because they are the windows into your heart
I must deliver a rebuke from God's word ,
Jude vs 8 " Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities"
also 2Peter 2vs 10 says "But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities"
It is with great displeasure that have noticed how christians on social media criticize and complain about their leaders , someone went as far calling obama a fool forgetting the word of God in Matthew 5 vs 22c "........but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire"
Christians should know we wrestle not with Obama or Valerie or Bernanke or Jonathan but against principalities and powers. now I'm not saying we shouldn't speak out against sinful, non biblical policies, but we should avoid name calling and talking against your leaders, rather pray for them and intercede.An example is the conduct of persecuted christians during Emperor Nero's reign , they refused to carry out the policies that were against God's word but ensured they obeyed Apostle Peter's warnings (spoke no evil word against dignities and rulers)
May God help us all
Note ; Right from the time Adam was evicted from the garden of Eden until now , the world has not known peace and it won't know peace until Christ's millenial reign on earth
So our prayer should be MARANATHA which means "COME LORD JESUS"
"But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost" Jude vs 20
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch" . mark 13 vs 37
P.s All errors above are my fault and should be pointed out in the comments section
Subject everything said above to the Bible
Would love to see your views and opinions in the comment section
Please share with friends and family
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Brethren, the end is near,
Our Lord shall soon appear:
These the days of vengeance be,
Rumour’d ills the land distress;
Wars on wars ye hear and see,
Ushering in the Prince of Peace
His judgments are abroad,
Forerunners of our God;
Nation against nation fights,
Kingdoms against kingdoms rise;
Signs above, and fearful sights
Speak the anger of the skies.
The powers of heaven he shakes;
Earth to her centre quakes;
Famine shews her meagre face;
Pestilence stalks close behind;
Woes surround the sinful race;
Wrath abides on all mankind.
The nations are distress’d,
The wicked cannot rest:
No, in sin they sleep no more,
Tossed with sad perplexity;
Swell the waves, and work, and roar,
Men are like the troubled sea.
Terror their heart assails,
Their heart thro’ terror fails;
Fails, overwhelmed with huge dismay,
Looking for the plagues to come,
Shrinking from their evil day,
Fainting at their instant doom.
But ye that fear the Lord,
Fear neither plague nor sword;
Jesus bids your care depart,
Ye in Jesus’ love are blest;
Sprinkled is your peaceful heart:
Now expect the perfect rest.
These threatening clouds look thro’,
Good they portend to you:
Lift your heads, with joy look up,
Find your full redemption near;
See your soul’s desire and hope,
See your glorious Lord appear
His near approach ye know,
Treated like him below;
This the word that Jesus said,
Now your Master’s lot ye find,
Mock’d, rejected, and betray’d,
Hated now by all mankind.
In calm and quiet peace
Your patient souls possess;
God hath kept your innocence,
God shall still his own defend:
Rest in him, your sure defence,
Suffer on, and wait the end.
His mercy’s wings are spread,
To guard your naked head;
None can hurt you now, or grieve,
Hated tho’ ye be by all:
No, without your Saviour’s leave,
Not one sacred hair shall fall.
The time of His arrival we do not know, but we know the signs. As we can see around us, in the news, on the street;we're in the last days.
A day ago I was reading an article about the persecution of christians in Egypt ,I read about the killings and I was moved to tears and anger.
The Bible has prepared us about the persecutions christians will suffer for his namesake ,but Jesus in Matthew 5 vs 4 tells us to REJOICE when persecuted
May the Lord fill our hearts with joy
P.s Western christians need to pray more for persecuted brethren in Egypt,China,Middle East
The above poem was a piece by John Wesley during the war of Austrian succession in 1774
God Bless you for reading the above post, share with friends,encourage,exhort and edify each other
May the Lord find us watching and ready when he comes
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
ENGIMA of TIME : Christian perspective
Nothing but time changes
Nothing changes time
But time changes things
There comes a time
When time and eternity will meet
Then time will be no more
But our dealings with time
In time's past, will tell
Where we'll spend all of time
What will your time say to eternity?
A new year; a month, a new day, we all relish that air of newness. Another chance, to start afresh, to be better, to do better .But what's all the fuss about? All that changed was the position of the fingers of the clock and a combination of digits we call date. So what's new about that? What makes the difference?
Time: If time does not change then nothing else will. Babies would never grow up, buds would never grow up, buds wouldn't bloom in the flowers and day would last all night. But time opportunes (a) change
As we daily make choices we make room for changes good /bad .
However before a change comes a choice; God created good, we chose bad , so he gave us time to choose Christ that through him we may be better. Its a thing called GRACE. The gift from God, the sacrifice of his only son,JESUS CHRIST, on the cross of calvary. Love for us took him up on that cross in time that we may in grace choose him, be changed within and live for and with him eternally. He went up with love and life but by the end of time, He'll be coming down with wrath, judgement and death.
Here is the quirk; time flies and will soon be gone, we won't have forever to choose, just time
"And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven and sware by him that liveth forever and ever that there should be time no longer" Revelation 10 vs 5
All that will be left is one timeless eternity and the changes made in time will determine our eternity (heaven or hell).
We can only be sure of this moment not the next, we may choose to waste time, ignore grace and spit upon the sacrifice of Christ on calvary or to choose Christ embrace the cross and allow Christ to change us from within.
Your comments are appreciated, pls share with family and friends.
Posted by :Joana
Monday, 1 July 2013
In Hebrews 10 vs 38 the bible makes us to know " if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him"
which shows God is not happy with backsliders, many of us attend churches where your pastor says "God is love " he doesn't care whether you sin or not.
Know this day that no unclean thing shall enter heaven. Remember Demas and Judas
.Only he/she that endures to the end shall be saved
study your bible, pray and watch for ye know not what hour the son of man will come back
have this promise in your mind.. Jude vs 24 unto him that his able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of his glory............. .
God will keep you In Jesus name
Friday, 28 June 2013
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Enfield, Connecticut
July 8, 1741
Their foot shall slide in due time. Deuteronomy 32:35
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Enfield, Connecticut
July 8, 1741
Their foot shall slide in due time. Deuteronomy 32:35
- That they were always exposed to destruction; as one that stands or walks in slippery places is always exposed to fall. This is implied in the manner of their destruction coming upon them, being represented by their foot sliding. The same is expressed, Psalm 73:18. "Surely thou didst set them in slippery places; thou castedst them down into destruction."
- It implies, that they were always exposed to sudden unexpected destruction. As he that walks in slippery places is every moment liable to fall, he cannot foresee one moment whether he shall stand or fall the next; and when he does fall, he falls at once without warning: Which is also expressed in Psalm 73:18,19. "Surely thou didst set them in slippery places; thou castedst them down into destruction: How are they brought into desolation as in a moment!"
- Another thing implied is, that they are liable to fall of themselves, without being thrown down by the hand of another; as he that stands or walks on slippery ground needs nothing but his own weight to throw him down.
- That the reason why they are not fallen already and do not fall now is only that God's appointed time is not come. For it is said, that when that due time, or appointed time comes, their foot shall slide. Then they shall be left to fall, as they are inclined by their own weight. God will not hold them up in these slippery places any longer, but will let them go; and then, at that very instant, they shall fall into destruction; as he that stands on such slippery declining ground, on the edge of a pit, he cannot stand alone, when he is let go he immediately falls and is lost.
- There is no want of power in God to cast wicked men into hell at any moment. Men's hands cannot be strong when God rises up. The strongest have no power to resist him, nor can any deliver out of his hands. -- He is not only able to cast wicked men into hell, but he can most easily do it. Sometimes an earthly prince meets with a great deal of difficulty to subdue a rebel, who has found means to fortify himself, and has made himself strong by the numbers of his followers. But it is not so with God. There is no fortress that is any defence from the power of God. Though hand join in hand, and vast multitudes of God's enemies combine and associate themselves, they are easily broken in pieces. They are as great heaps of light chaff before the whirlwind; or large quantities of dry stubble before devouring flames. We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm that we see crawling on the earth; so it is easy for us to cut or singe a slender thread that any thing hangs by: thus easy is it for God, when he pleases, to cast his enemies down to hell. What are we, that we should think to stand before him, at whose rebuke the earth trembles, and before whom the rocks are thrown down?
- They deserve to be cast into hell; so that divine justice never stands in the way, it makes no objection against God's using his power at any moment to destroy them. Yea, on the contrary, justice calls aloud for an infinite punishment of their sins. Divine justice says of the tree that brings forth such grapes of Sodom, "Cut it down, why cumbereth it the ground?" Luke 13:7. The sword of divine justice is every moment brandished over their heads, and it is nothing but the hand of arbitrary mercy, and God's mere will, that holds it back.
- They are already under a sentence of condemnation to hell. They do not only justly deserve to be cast down thither, but the sentence of the law of God, that eternal and immutable rule of righteousness that God has fixed between him and mankind, is gone out against them, and stands against them; so that they are bound over already to hell. John 3:18. "He that believeth not is condemned already." So that every unconverted man properly belongs to hell; that is his place; from thence he is, John 8:23. "Ye are from beneath:" And thither he is bound; it is the place that justice, and God's word, and the sentence of his unchangeable law assign to him.
- They are now the objects of that very same anger and wrath of God, that is expressed in the torments of hell. And the reason why they do not go down to hell at each moment, is not because God, in whose power they are, is not then very angry with them; as he is with many miserable creatures now tormented in hell, who there feel and bear the fierceness of his wrath. Yea, God is a great deal more angry with great numbers that are now on earth: yea, doubtless, with many that are now in this congregation, who it may be are at ease, than he is with many of those who are now in the flames of hell.So that it is not because God is unmindful of their wickedness, and does not resent it, that he does not let loose his hand and cut them off. God is not altogether such an one as themselves, though they may imagine him to be so. The wrath of God burns against them, their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready, the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow. The glittering sword is whet, and held over them, and the pit hath opened its mouth under them.
- The devil stands ready to fall upon them, and seize them as his own, at what moment God shall permit him. They belong to him; he has their souls in his possession, and under his dominion. The scripture represents them as his goods, Luke 11:12. The devils watch them; they are ever by them at their right hand; they stand waiting for them, like greedy hungry lions that see their prey, and expect to have it, but are for the present kept back. If God should withdraw his hand, by which they are restrained, they would in one moment fly upon their poor souls. The old serpent is gaping for them; hell opens its mouth wide to receive them; and if God should permit it, they would be hastily swallowed up and lost.
- There are in the souls of wicked men those hellish principles reigning, that would presently kindle and flame out into hell fire, if it were not for God's restraints. There is laid in the very nature of carnal men, a foundation for the torments of hell. There are those corrupt principles, in reigning power in them, and in full possession of them, that are seeds of hell fire. These principles are active and powerful, exceeding violent in their nature, and if it were not for the restraining hand of God upon them, they would soon break out, they would flame out after the same manner as the same corruptions, the same enmity does in the hearts of damned souls, and would beget the same torments as they do in them. The souls of the wicked are in scripture compared to the troubled sea,Isa. 57:20. For the present, God restrains their wickedness by his mighty power, as he does the raging waves of the troubled sea, saying, "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further;" but if God should withdraw that restraining power, it would soon carry all before it. Sin is the ruin and misery of the soul; it is destructive in its nature; and if God should leave it without restraint, there would need nothing else to make the soul perfectly miserable. The corruption of the heart of man is immoderate and boundless in its fury; and while wicked men live here, it is like fire pent up by God's restraints, whereas if it were let loose, it would set on fire the course of nature; and as the heart is now a sink of sin, so if sin was not restrained, it would immediately turn the soul into fiery oven, or a furnace of fire and brimstone.
- It is no security to wicked men for one moment, that there are no visible means of death at hand. It is no security to a natural man, that he is now in health, and that he does not see which way he should now immediately go out of the world by any accident, and that there is no visible danger in any respect in his circumstances. The manifold and continual experience of the world in all ages, shows this is no evidence, that a man is not on the very brink of eternity, and that the next step will not be into another world. The unseen, unthought-of ways and means of persons going suddenly out of the world are innumerable and inconceivable. Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering, and there are innumerable places in this covering so weak that they will not bear their weight, and these places are not seen. The arrows of death fly unseen at noon-day; the sharpest sight cannot discern them. God has so many different unsearchable ways of taking wicked men out of the world and sending them to hell, that there is nothing to make it appear, that God had need to be at the expense of a miracle, or go out of the ordinary course of his providence, to destroy any wicked man, at any moment. All the means that there are of sinners going out of the world, are so in God's hands, and so universally and absolutely subject to his power and determination, that it does not depend at all the less on the mere will of God, whether sinners shall at any moment go to hell, than if means were never made use of, or at all concerned in the case.
- Natural men's prudence and care to preserve their own lives, or the care of others to preserve them, do not secure them a moment. To this, divine providence and universal experience do also bear testimony. There is this clear evidence that men's own wisdom is no security to them from death; that if it were otherwise we should see some difference between the wise and politic men of the world, and others, with regard to their liableness to early and unexpected death: but how is it in fact? Eccles. 2:16. "How dieth the wise man? even as the fool."
- All wicked men's pains and contrivance which they use to escape hell, while they continue to reject Christ, and so remain wicked men, do not secure them from hell one moment. Almost every natural man that hears of hell, flatters himself that he shall escape it; he depends upon himself for his own security; he flatters himself in what he has done, in what he is now doing, or what he intends to do. Every one lays out matters in his own mind how he shall avoid damnation, and flatters himself that he contrives well for himself, and that his schemes will not fail. They hear indeed that there are but few saved, and that the greater part of men that have died heretofore are gone to hell; but each one imagines that he lays out matters better for his own escape than others have done. He does not intend to come to that place of torment; he says within himself, that he intends to take effectual care, and to order matters so for himself as not to fail.But the foolish children of men miserably delude themselves in their own schemes, and in confidence in their own strength and wisdom; they trust to nothing but a shadow. The greater part of those who heretofore have lived under the same means of grace, and are now dead, are undoubtedly gone to hell; and it was not because they were not as wise as those who are now alive: it was not because they did not lay out matters as well for themselves to secure their own escape. If we could speak with them, and inquire of them, one by one, whether they expected, when alive, and when they used to hear about hell, ever to be the subjects of misery: we doubtless, should hear one and another reply, "No, I never intended to come here: I had laid out matters otherwise in my mind; I thought I should contrive well for myself -- I thought my scheme good. I intended to take effectual care; but it came upon me unexpected; I did not look for it at that time, and in that manner; it came as a thief -- Death outwitted me: God's wrath was too quick for me. Oh, my cursed foolishness! I was flattering myself, and pleasing myself with vain dreams of what I would do hereafter; and when I was saying, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction came upon me."
- God has laid himself under no obligation, by any promise to keep any natural man out of hell one moment. God certainly has made no promises either of eternal life, or of any deliverance or preservation from eternal death, but what are contained in the covenant of grace, the promises that are given in Christ, in whom all the promises are yea and amen. But surely they have no interest in the promises of the covenant of grace who are not the children of the covenant, who do not believe in any of the promises, and have no interest in the Mediator of the covenant.
- Whose wrath it is: it is the wrath of the infinite God. If it were only the wrath of man, though it were of the most potent prince, it would be comparatively little to be regarded. The wrath of kings is very much dreaded, especially of absolute monarchs, who have the possessions and lives of their subjects wholly in their power, to be disposed of at their mere will. Prov. 20:2. "The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion: Whoso provoketh him to anger, sinneth against his own soul." The subject that very much enrages an arbitrary prince, is liable to suffer the most extreme torments that human art can invent, or human power can inflict. But the greatest earthly potentates in their greatest majesty and strength, and when clothed in their greatest terrors, are but feeble, despicable worms of the dust, in comparison of the great and almighty Creator and King of heaven and earth. It is but little that they can do, when most enraged, and when they have exerted the utmost of their fury. All the kings of the earth, before God, are as grasshoppers; they are nothing, and less than nothing: both their love and their hatred is to be despised. The wrath of the great King of kings, is as much more terrible than theirs, as his majesty is greater. Luke 12:4,5. "And I say unto you, my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that, have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: fear him, which after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell: yea, I say unto you, Fear him."
- It is the fierceness of his wrath that you are exposed to. We often read of the fury of God; as in Isa. 59:18. "According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay fury to his adversaries." So Isa. 66:15. "For behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire." And in many other places. So, Rev. 19:15, we read of "the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God." The words are exceeding terrible. If it had only been said, "the wrath of God," the words would have implied that which is infinitely dreadful: but it is "the fierceness and wrath of God." The fury of God! the fierceness of Jehovah! Oh, how dreadful that must be! Who can utter or conceive what such expressions carry in them! But it is also "the fierceness and wrath of almighty God." As though there would be a very great manifestation of his almighty power in what the fierceness of his wrath should inflict, as though omnipotence should be as it were enraged, and exerted, as men are wont to exert their strength in the fierceness of their wrath. Oh! then, what will be the consequence! What will become of the poor worms that shall suffer it! Whose hands can be strong? And whose heart can endure? To what a dreadful, inexpressible, inconceivable depth of misery must the poor creature be sunk who shall be the subject of this!Consider this, you that are here present, that yet remain in an unregenerate state. That God will execute the fierceness of his anger, implies, that he will inflict wrath without any pity. When God beholds the ineffable extremity of your case, and sees your torment to be so vastly disproportioned to your strength, and sees how your poor soul is crushed, and sinks down, as it were, into an infinite gloom; he will have no compassion upon you, he will not forbear the executions of his wrath, or in the least lighten his hand; there shall be no moderation or mercy, nor will God then at all stay his rough wind; he will have no regard to your welfare, nor be at all careful lest you should suffer too much in any other sense, than only that you shall not suffer beyond what strict justice requires. Nothing shall be withheld, because it is so hard for you to bear. Ezek. 8:18. "Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity; and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet I will not hear them." Now God stands ready to pity you; this is a day of mercy; you may cry now with some encouragement of obtaining mercy. But when once the day of mercy is past, your most lamentable and dolorous cries and shrieks will be in vain; you will be wholly lost and thrown away of God, as to any regard to your welfare. God will have no other use to put you to, but to suffer misery; you shall be continued in being to no other end; for you will be a vessel of wrath fitted to destruction; and there will be no other use of this vessel, but to be filled full of wrath. God will be so far from pitying you when you cry to him, that it is said he will only "laugh and mock," Prov. 1:25,26, etc.How awful are those words, Isa. 63:3, which are the words of the great God. "I will tread them in mine anger, and will trample them in my fury, and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment." It is perhaps impossible to conceive of words that carry in them greater manifestations of these three things, viz. contempt, and hatred, and fierceness of indignation. If you cry to God to pity you, he will be so far from pitying you in your doleful case, or showing you the least regard or favour, that instead of that, he will only tread you under foot. And though he will know that you cannot bear the weight of omnipotence treading upon you, yet he will not regard that, but he will crush you under his feet without mercy; he will crush out your blood, and make it fly, and it shall be sprinkled on his garments, so as to stain all his raiment. He will not only hate you, but he will have you in the utmost contempt: no place shall be thought fit for you, but under his feet to be trodden down as the mire of the streets.
- The misery you are exposed to is that which God will inflict to that end, that he might show what that wrath of Jehovah is. God hath had it on his heart to show to angels and men, both how excellent his love is, and also how terrible his wrath is. Sometimes earthly kings have a mind to show how terrible their wrath is, by the extreme punishments they would execute on those that would provoke them. Nebuchadnezzar, that mighty and haughty monarch of the Chaldean empire, was willing to show his wrath when enraged with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; and accordingly gave orders that the burning fiery furnace should be heated seven times hotter than it was before; doubtless, it was raised to the utmost degree of fierceness that human art could raise it. But the great God is also willing to show his wrath, and magnify his awful majesty and mighty power in the extreme sufferings of his enemies. Rom. 9:22. "What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction?" And seeing this is his design, and what he has determined, even to show how terrible the unrestrained wrath, the fury and fierceness of Jehovah is, he will do it to effect. There will be something accomplished and brought to pass that will be dreadful with a witness. When the great and angry God hath risen up and executed his awful vengeance on the poor sinner, and the wretch is actually suffering the infinite weight and power of his indignation, then will God call upon the whole universe to behold that awful majesty and mighty power that is to be seen in it. Isa. 33:12-14. "And the people shall be as the burnings of lime, as thorns cut up shall they be burnt in the fire. Hear ye that are far off, what I have done; and ye that are near, acknowledge my might. The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites," etc.Thus it will be with you that are in an unconverted state, if you continue in it; the infinite might, and majesty, and terribleness of the omnipotent God shall be magnified upon you, in the ineffable strength of your torments. You shall be tormented in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb; and when you shall be in this state of suffering, the glorious inhabitants of heaven shall go forth and look on the awful spectacle, that they may see what the wrath and fierceness of the Almighty is; and when they have seen it, they will fall down and adore that great power and majesty. Isa. 66:23,24. "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord. And they shall go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me; for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched, and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh."
- It is everlasting wrath. It would be dreadful to suffer this fierceness and wrath of Almighty God one moment; but you must suffer it to all eternity. There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery. When you look forward, you shall see a long for ever, a boundless duration before you, which will swallow up your thoughts, and amaze your soul; and you will absolutely despair of ever having any deliverance, any end, any mitigation, any rest at all. You will know certainly that you must wear out long ages, millions of millions of ages, in wrestling and conflicting with this almighty merciless vengeance; and then when you have so done, when so many ages have actually been spent by you in this manner, you will know that all is but a point to what remains. So that your punishment will indeed be infinite. Oh, who can express what the state of a soul in such circumstances is! All that we can possibly say about it, gives but a very feeble, faint representation of it; it is inexpressible and inconceivable: For "who knows the power of God's anger?"
Thursday, 27 June 2013
I called u friend and I trusted u
But I learned now that its all too late
And you could have kept me
From hell and my fate
We walked by day and talked by night
And you showed me not the light
You let me live ,love and die
And you knew I would never live on high
I called you my friend in life
I trusted you through joy and strife
And now coming to this horrible end
Could I now call u my friend?
Brethren the lives of sinners are in our hand. PREACH PREACH PREACH PREACH PREACH PREACH PREACH PREACH
Monday, 24 June 2013
Quotes 4 D day
Man sees in 3D , but God sees in GD(God's Dimension). He sees ur innermost thoughts
The shortest distance between your problem and its solution is the distance between your knees and the ground
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Pray for the persecuted
Get up , Get out and speak out
Souls dying
Lives needing filing
Bile needed to be erased
Natures to be changed
Babies to be nurtured
We stay in our comfort zone and preach
After all said and done
Gospel locked areas remain locked
God's heart bleeding
Jesus weeping
HolySpirit grieving
Shake out
Rake out nochalancy
For their sakes He died
Stop faking compassion in your comfort turf
Mission yo
Vision yo
Go ye out and preach the gospel
Till all from east to west, north to south know
That there is no salvation under heaven by any other
But by Jesus Christ.
A lot of people were in a pit and they couldn't come out, they cried for help and nobody answered ,they were dying slowly until one glorious day a man came buy and threw down a rope into the well and saved a man from the well . He gave the saved man the rope and said "you were rescued to rescue others" and left. The saved man after looking left and right ran away and left others in the pit to die. I know you are saying oh wot a wicked man , but like Nathan said to David : if you are not preaching the gospel of christ then YOU ARE THAT WICKED MAN/WOMAN.
Thousands die daily and go to hell , millions of people are unsaved.
I pray God will forgive us all for not obeying the Great commission .
I pray he fills everybody reading this with compassion and passion for sinners.
Isaiah said "send me Lord"
Are u ready to be sent?
God bless you for reading this
Jesus is coming soon
Share and comment
Twitter: @zoe_maranatha
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Jesus my bridegroom
Love story to Jesus my bridegroom
You are precious to me
I feel so privileged you will have me
With my past and my birth
You took me, cleansed me and proposed to me.
You heal me when I am sick
You hold me close when I am in despair
You shine your light when darkness enfolds.
A hole left open since Eden u filled up
I want to be closer to you
I doubt not your love for me but my love for
The brideprice,
A crown of thorns
A drink of vinegar
Wooden cross
Nails and stripes
To marry me you took the punishment meant
for me, for that I want to love you the more.
Brethen ,Jesus payed the costliest brideprice ever for us by dying on the cross of calvary. He's coming soon , coming back for his bride that is without spot or wrinkle . Are u ready , if not repent of ur sins and accept the proposal from christ.
Drop ur comments.
Daily I Die
I rose up this morn
A dose of prayer and bible
My will I did
I willed to do His will
But daily I fail
That besetting sin ties me down,
With anchor so strong
How can I be free?
How can spiritual freedom be real
Cos daily I fail
Tried every method
Read a lot of books
Read the book
Read the lives of others
Daily I still fail
O wretched man that I am
Rom7 not so farfetched
Who shall deliver me from this body of death
Daily I fail
Trickling down
Whispers I hear
No man can overcome sin
Daily I fail
I try to meditate on his word
I still radiate self
Daily I fail
The judgement hangs over me like damocles
Guilt crushing me
Devil accusing me
Pharisees condemning me
Daily I fail
A beam of light pierced through
Rolled away my despair
Galatians two-twenty to the rescue
I fail daily cos I try to live daily
Crucified at last
Jesus liveth in me
Cos daily I die.
I wrote the above , cos I know a whole lot of christians are sruggling spiritually . Like paul spoke in rom 7 we want to serve God and do his will but we do not, the reason why this keeps happening is because we've not crucified our whole self to the cross.
Read gal 2vs 20. Romans 7 and rom 8vs 1
May the HolySpirit illumine u as u read.
God bless you
Invite odas to this blog to read and share dis.